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📚 Our stack

Write an article describing our stack at Twake composed of:

  • In full mode a docker containing: node, react behind nginx, elasticsearch, scylladb, redis, rabbitmq
  • In simple mode a docker containing: node, react and mongodb for db and search

Simple mode

The simple mode of Twake messaging app is designed for quick setup and development purposes. It is a more straightforward mode that uses a single container to deploy the components. The technical stack of this mode includes the following components:

  • Node: A JavaScript runtime environment used to develop server-side applications.
  • React: A JavaScript library used to build user interfaces.
  • MongoDB: A cross-platform document-oriented database used to store and retrieve data.

The simple mode is great for companies that want a quick and easy setup for their messaging app. It requires less technical expertise and is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses.

Full mode

The full mode of Twake messaging app is designed to handle large-scale production loads with more than 1000 active users. It uses a container-based approach to deploy the components and ensure scalability. The technical stack of this mode includes the following components:

  • Node: A JavaScript runtime environment used to develop server-side applications.
  • React: A JavaScript library used to build user interfaces.
  • Nginx: A web server used as a reverse proxy to distribute incoming requests to the appropriate backend service.
  • Elasticsearch: A distributed search and analytics engine used to perform advanced search operations.
  • Scylladb: A NoSQL database used to store large amounts of structured and unstructured data.
  • Redis: An in-memory data structure store used to implement caching, messaging, and pub/sub functionalities.
  • Rabbitmq: An open-source message broker used to transmit messages between applications.

The full mode is ideal for companies with large-scale deployment requirements but requires more technical expertise to install and maintain the infrastructure.